Story Planning Service – Got An Idea for a Screenplay?

Wondering what to do next? Some writers begin with rough notes, which may get turned into a “treatment.” This is a good way to organize your thoughts and harness all the ideas you have toward carving your story into a workable structure. This could also be turned into a “synopsis” for the eyes of an industry player, if required. It …

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Selling Your Screenplay To A Producer (Part 1)

If you want to sell your screenplay you first need to know who you can sell your screenplay to a producer, this article will show you the best methods to achieve this goal. In the world of Hollywood, the only person who can buy your script is a producer (including production companies). Therefore, these are the people you need to …

Screenwriting Competitions: Are They Worth It?

Some screenwriters love them and some screenwriters hate them. But have no doubt, screenwriting competitions are growing in number. In this post I won’t list all the SCREENWRITING COMPETITIONS you can enter, because you can find a full list by clicking on the link or doing your own research on Google. When deciding whether or not screenwriting competitions are for …

Create A Movie Trailer For Your Script

If you’re serious about selling your script and launching your screenwriting career, then you need to know how to promote and market your screenplay the right way. In this article you’ll discover… – An easy and effective way to promote your script – How to get the attention of agents and producers A lot of screenwriters, who, I have to …

Create A Website For Your Screenplay

In this follow up article on how to market and sell your screenplay, I’d like to talk about another great underutilized strategy that you can use to promote your script. This method is simple and free, despite what many people will tell you. One of the best ways to showcase your screenplay and your talents as a screenwriter is to …

Every Screenplay Counts

One of the things I love most about the screenwriting industry is that any person, no matter where they come from, no matter their background or education, can write a great screenplay and launch themselves right into Hollywood. In this article you’ll discover why… – All your screenplays are valuable – One great screenplay can launch your career Sure there …

Write A Script That Hollywood Wants

In this article I’d like to talk about how to write a script that Hollywood wants. Now there is a big difference between writing a script that Hollywood wants and a script that you want to write. I’ve seen a lot of talented screenwriters get derailed by making this error on a regular basis. In this article, you’ll discover… – …

Make Agents Want Your Screenplay

If you want to write a screenplay that agents want, a screenplay that lights up the page and makes agents take notice, then you first need to appreciate what exactly screenplay agents are looking for in a script. In this article, I’d like to talk about the main things you need to do to get agents (and producers for that …

The Secret To Writing Great Dialogue

This article will show you an easy way to help train yourself to write great dialogue (a crucial skill that not many writers are good at). Writing dialogue is one of the most essential skills when it comes to writing a great screenplay. It’s also one of the hardest skills to master. While I worked as an agent I used …

How to Send a Release Form to an Agent or Producer

A lot of the time when people contact agents and producers, and they have a really great script on their hands, they get a response asking them to submit a release form (sometimes referred to as a non-disclosure agreement or NDA). So in this post I’d like to talk a little bit about what a release form is and what …