Selling Your Screenplay To A Producer (Part 3)

Click here to read Part 1 or Part 2. One of the most important things you can learn to do when pitching your screenplay to a producer is to learn the art of the pitch. You have two choice here, that is: either you (a) pitch verbally; or (b) pitch by email. Now I used to work as an agent …

Selling Your Screenplay To A Producer (Part 2)

Continued from Part 1… If you want to sell your screenplay to a producer, then they first need to ask to see your script. That’s not an option, that’s the way it is. You can’t sell a script to a producer if they don’t want to buy it and if they’ve never even heard of you or your story. So …

Write A Query Letter That Producers Can’t Resist

Do you want to sell your script and write a query letter that producers can’t resist? Do you want to be able to write a query letter that is so good that it will leave a producer desperate to read your script? In this post I’d like to talk about some of the ways you can write a great query …

The Best Way For Screenwriters To Network

In this post I’m going to talk about something that many screenwriters find uncomfortable when it comes to selling their screenplay. Traditionally, this method is not for the faint of heart, especially as most screenwriters are introverted (as opposed to extroverted) by nature. You guessed it, I’m talking about networking here. But not the usual type of networking that you …

How To Email Screenplay Agents

There’s an old saying in Hollywood that no one will read your script until they “ask to see it”. This includes screenplay agents and producers as well. Okay, I know, it sounds difficult. You want to get your script read by an agent, but an agent won’t read it until they ask for it?! The good news is this is …

5 Things You Need To Do Before You Submit Your Script

1) Is Your Screenplay Unique and Original? When you’re submitting your script to agents and producers, you want to make sure that your screenplay is as original and engaging as possible 2) Format Your Script the Right Way – it’s important that when you submit your script it meets industry standards. That means your script has the right layout and …

How to Submit Your Script to Agents and Producers

Do you want to know the best way to submit your script to agents and producers? Okay, you’ve got your finished script in hand and now it’s time to get it into the hands of someone who can turn it into a movie or TV show. But stead on there cowboy. Before I tell you how to submit your script, …

How To Sell Your Movie/TV Idea To Hollywood

Okay, so you’ve got a great idea for a movie or TV show. It’s right there in your head, you just need to get it out there. So how can you, the creative genius, give birth to your idea and see it come alive on the silver screen? You have a couple of choices you can make. But first, you …

The Key To Pitching A Movie Idea

If you’re one of those people that finds it easy to come up with new ideas, especially new ideas for movies, but you don’t know what to do with these ideas… then this article is for you. If you’ve written a script that’s great, but you don’t have to write a script to start earning money for your movie idea …

How To Pitch Your Movie Idea & Start Making Money From Your Ideas

If you want to pitch a movie or TV show, then there are three crucial elements to making your pitch stand out. The first element is that your story must have conflict. Conflict is that special ingredient that drives your story forward and keeps the audience glued to the screen. Conflict is the bad guy you can’t forget, the tornado …